
Dinner's Done

WWSD? Suzie would have a grand dinner sitting on the table when her husband returned from work despite having the swine flu.

Today started out like any other: Waking up at the butt crack of dawn after sleeping on the couch yet another night, making breakfast, packing lunches, and getting the kids off to school. I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to take the day off from work. I spent the first half of my morning alternating between trips to the bathroom (I’ll spare you the details) and half dead on the couch. The second half was spent refereeing kids and cleaning house.

All was fine until his highness arrived home with yet another attitude. Apparently pissed off because I didn’t have dinner sitting on the table.

What ticks me off is how I’m expected to do everything as normal when I’m sick, yet when Dick is sick, he does absolutely nothing (except spend countless hours in front of the computer). Despite looking like hell and feeling worse than hell, I was expected to have a three-course meal ready when my man returned from his hard day at the job (did I mention he was laid off and has been working with his dad renovating a house?).

So, needless to say, I quickly threw some popcorn shrimp in the deep fryer, heated up some leftover mac and cheese and green beans, and told the kids to wash their hands. They all sat, eating happily. I am still plotting a fitting revenge. Exlax brownies perhaps?