WWSD? Suzie would accept the apology and act as if nothing had happened.

I cannot stand when someone tells me they will be here at such and such a time and then are either late or don't bother showing up at all. It burns my butt cheeks (
yes, another excuse to say butt cheeks), boils my blood, and gets my panties in a bunch tighter than Joan Rivers' face. Punctuality is a big thing with me and if you don't have it, don't bother.
I made an appointment with a company to service my air condtioner last week. As the weather is getting warmer, it is becoming more apparent that the unit isn't working as it should. I am getting rather tired of walking around my house and feeling as if I'm in a sauna (and why is it when you're in a sauna, it feels rather pleasant?).
They were supposed to be here this morning and have not been seen or heard from yet. I finally decided to call the company and inquire as to their whereabouts. I was given a quick (and rather flippant) apology and was told that they had an emergency call and were clear across town. It will take them a little longer to get to me.
Now, this I can understand (shit happens), but to not even bother to call and inform me of the change? Like I had nothing better to do with my time than to sit around waiting on their asses to show? Don't these people realize that I have important things like grocery shopping and saving the world to do? I figured I'd get even (it's been a rough couple of days and I needed the pick-me-up).
I called another (hopefully more reliable) company and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. I then jotted a wonderful note that read:
Dear (company's name)
I had to run out for a brief moment as I seemed to have lost my mind somewhere this morning. I'm not sure how long it will take me to find it, but feel free to enjoy these cookies until I return.
Yours truly,
Miss Suzie
I then taped the note to the door and left a plate of cookies on the steps. I am now waiting patiently behind my blinds to see the reaction to having been stood up by a client. Assholes.