I have a new hobby (no worries, I haven't given up the forking and burying of the poor deceased bodies of the ignorant). You see, I recently signed up for a dating service. After receiving some interest and a weekend of binge drinking to get my courage up, I decided to jump back into the dating pool. I didn't sign up to meet the love of my life, but to pass the time in a way in which I'm sure will send me straight to hell.
(Yes, this is what happens when a bitch gets bored.)
I begin by weeding out the potential good guys and stick with the clear-cut pieces of shit. We set up a date and the party is on! I begin as if I'm actually interested in what he has to say. I let him talk first to ensure I have a self-serving, so not deserving of any decent woman douchebag on my hands and then I kick him right in the balls (no, not literally). I point out all his flaws and all that his poor soul is lacking. I inform him of why he can't seem to find a good woman. I basically tell the tool he is worthless and send him crying back to mommy.
So far, I feel as if I'm succeeding in making it a little easier for the women out there. Sure, it may send me to hell, but the look on the guy's face is priceless and almost addictive. I'm sure I'll get bored with this new hobby at some point and find a new way to amuse myself, but for now, I'm just enjoying being a bitch.