I have the neighbors from hell. Among numerous other things to annoy me, they take their pitiful excuse for a dog (some white ball of fluff) for a walk and allow the thing to take a dump in my yard -- conveniently underneath my mailbox. They never bother to pick up the steaming pile of waste and simply mosey along as if nothing happened.
As always, I get up in the morning and being the good little Suzie that I am, I fetch the morning paper for Dick so he will have something to read with his first cup of coffee. Me, being dog tired and not fully awake, step in the pile of white fluff waste yet again. So now not only do I have to do my morning chores of fixing breakfast, packing lunches, getting the kids off to school, and myself off to work -- I have to clean dog crap off my feet before I can even begin.
Now, I know Suzie would handle this situation much differently. She'd spend an hour or two baking a pie that tastes oh so heavenly. She would then carry it to her neighbor's house where she would sit down with the couple and politely ask them to clean up after their hair-ball. By the end of the conversation, they will be best friends and she will have received an invite to Thursday night Bingo.
Well, I'm not quite that good of a Suzie. Instead, I left this for them at their door. Hopefully they'll get the hint (that was my last brown bag).

Brava, signora, brava!
@GreenCurmudgeon: Why thank you very much!
ha! reminds me of the story of robbers in NY who snatched a bag from a lady which was for her dogs poop. Would have liked to see their face.
@Being and Quirkiness: That's too funny! Hopefully that taught them a thing or two (though I doubt it).
Some people don't the wit to take hints. I like what you did though. Little white dogs should be stuffed so they don't dump any where. Ever.
Sorry to any of your readers who have little Diddums who is little and cute and white.
I like big dogs.
Your better than I...I would have set the bag on fire.
In therapy for my anger issues.
@Carolyn: I like the stuffing idea and may have to try that in the future. :)
@Lotus: I thought about that. Don't feel bad, at least you're in therapy. I'm sure I would benefit from a few sessions myself.
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