The sounds were awful. A high pitched squealing accompanied by a grunt that was reminiscent of the girl in the Exorcist movies. I glanced a few tables up and couldn't believe my eyes -- a five year old boy was standing at his booth and uttering the hideous tones to his mother as if he'd been possessed! I honestly was half expecting to see the boy's head began rotating 360 degrees like in the movie, but it never happened. The mother did absolutely nothing.
Our food was brought to us and as the kids and I were trying to catch up on the day's events, we realized it was going to be impossible with little Satan screaming. I figured it was time to perform an exorcism in Mexico.
I caught the boy's attention and with the meanest look on my face and fork in hand, I mouthed the words knock it off! It seemed to have a slight impact as he did finally sit down, but the audible noises still rang throughout the restaurant. Catching his attention again, this time with a face that would scare even the meanest MMA fighter and clutching both my fork and knife, I said I mean it! I then apologized to the couple beside us that had witnessed my pissiness.
Needless to say, the boy shut the hell up and the kids and I were able to have our dinner in peace. I learned my daughter has a crush on the boy on her bus and my son is kicking ass on all his math quizzes. Ah, life is good (and so were those chimichangas)!
LOL -- you did what every Mom dreams of doing in that situation... scare the ever-loving crap out of that kid.
My guess? He won't ask mom to go eat Mexican again for a while.
(The restaurant thanks you.)
- Julia at Midwest Moms
@Midwest Mom: I can't stand to hear screaming kids while I'm eating and it even annoys me more when the parent is doing absolutely nothing to stop it. I wanted so bad to beam her in the back of the head with my chimichanga and tell her to control her brat, but it tasted too good to do so.
Suzie-whoever invented the fork was very limited in his understanding of all its uses. Next time I go to the movies I'm taking one with me. It may come in handy.
@nothingprofound: You are so right and in fact, I have found the fork to be VERY useful in movie theaters. Nothing like a forking to quiet the crowd. =)
@TC: I think I enjoyed the look on his face a little too much, but the fact that he finally shut the hell up was enjoyed by all.
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