What the hell?
I hadn't showered yet, done my hair, straightened up from a card game the night before -- nothing! And now I only had thirty minutes to get it all done so a potential buyer who obviously doesn't give a rat's ass that I have a life and may need advanced warning could come tour my home.
Needless to say, I cleaned up the house as best I could and headed out the door (hair still not done). I ended up driving around looking like Bozo the Clown (yes, my hair looked that bad) and wishing I had some red and white face paint so I could finish the look. To make matters worse, I passed Dick (apparently heading to his parent's house) and I know he saw what I looked like and was probably thinking I looked like shit because I was missing him.
So this week's Golden Cock Award goes to my Realtor for being a jackass. He told me that advanced notice for all showings was guaranteed. He also said that he wouldn't allow anyone to just show up at the door (I guess that will be happening next). Although he did apologize for the inconvenience, I am still giving him two golden cocks, but if this shit happens again, he will definitely be scoring a five. Damnit!

You'll forget about it when he sells your house.
@Beer Drinker: True, but I have the right to bitch about him until he does. =P
Without a doubt it will happen again. lol Just the way realtors are.
@Dennis: I'll just be glad when it's over. I foresee this being one big pain in the ass.
I have added your blog to my reading list and have also sent you link love via my post A Lovely Award Please keep the meme going so we all benefit from the links and from getting new readers too. :)
haha..hilarious read that was.
@timethief: Thank you so very much and will do.
@Push: Thanks, I try.
@Sorcerer: My goal is to make you laugh, thanks for letting me know I did so.
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