He went through his whole spiel of how great this product was. He showed me how well it cleaned concrete as he demonstrated on my walkway (I’ll admit that I was impressed as I had been trying to get that stain up for months). I asked if it cleaned rust and he said yes. I showed him the spot on my garage door and he wiped it away with ease. I asked him if it took care of lime stains and he told me yes. I led him inside and he cleaned my shower doors.
I finally told him that I was surely impressed, but needed to see more. I informed him that if I could use it as a laundry pre-treater, I’d be sold. He asks if I had some laundry to test it on and I handed him my son’s jeans (soiled from a football game the day before). He sprayed the cleaner, scrubbed a little, and showed me how well the product worked.
I then led him back outside, let him finish telling me why I should purchase his cleaner (especially now as they were running a buy one get one free promo), and simply offered this in return: Why should I buy your cleaner now? You’ve cleaned all the spots I had a problem with. I thanked him for his time, walked in, and shut the door behind me.
I’m guessing I’ll either never see him again or wake up to an egg covered house in the morning.
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA *dries tear away* I really hope your house doesn't get egged but I think your stains are going to re-appear magically, jajajajaja.
If you ever seen the TV Coach, that was a concept on one episode. They didn't make them clean up, just used them for company till he friend showed up.
I do that at the store when is slow, I make them go through their best sales spiel then when a customer comes in I make them pack up their products and send them on their way.
Sometimes it's nice to have company. LOL
Hahahahahah OMG! You're so cool! I think that I wouldn't have the guts to do that!
I laughed kinda hysterically and double clicked the button hehehe!
You're such a bitch! More spots and stains and rust and dirty clothes are on your horizon. You'll see.
And TJ, you'd have bought the product because you're much nicer than Suzie. Plus we just heard how great it worked on everything!
@Deray: My house wasn't egged, but I have a feeling you may be right about the stains.
@Rozie: I've done that before with those religious people that go door to door. They are quite interesting (and fun) to talk/argue with.
@TJ: I'm glad you laughed so hard you double clicked. That made my day! =)
@Beer Drinker: A bitch I am and I'm sure there will be more solicitors to clean up any more stains that should appear. They are like the plague around here.
I swear he sued your ass or something when you said you hated solicitors as lawyers are called in the UK
Omg, that's amazing. I strive to be that big of a bitch one day. After reading this, it's clear I'm still in training!!
@Dee: I dare him to sue me!
@Heather: It takes years to become a total bitch. Just stick with it. =)
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