All her fans looked as if they were about to hang themselves with their Miley bed sheets until the news informed them that she was not even on the bus that crashed. They all let out a sigh of relief and threw out quotes like I don’t know what I’d do if something had happened to her and life would cease to exist without Hannah Montana.
For fuck’s sake – get a life!
Think about every time you walk into ANY store – you see her picture on everything. I cannot get through one whole aisle without having to utter an Oh god at the sight of the little brat. It won’t be long until you see this bitch’s mug on sanitary napkins and tampons with the slogan “Periods become smiley with Miley.”
This week’s golden cock award goes to Miley’s dad. I’m sure he has something to do with subjecting us all to her paraphernalia. Plus, every time I see him in an interview, I want to smack him back to next week – such an ignorant and arrogant fucker. So Mr. Cyrus, I award you four golden cocks and suggest you bitch slap yourself and your own daughter!

I wholeheartedly agree!! I honestly don't know when and why she got so famous and popular. She has an annoying singing voice
I'm glad that I didn't get a pop-up on my PC with the announcement! I don't know what I would've done if it did happened though...probably throw my PC out of the window in horror
“Periods become smiley with Miley.”
jajajajajajajajajaja you just gave them an idea and the slogan to go with it, you should copyright it, just in case, jajajajaja.
I agree! I'm sick to death of that kid being pimped out to line her own pockets and her daddy's pockets with cash. Talk about overkill - well, she exemplifies it.
P.S. If you get any funnier you will be approached by offendedblogger/pinkmonkeychatter and asked to join her site ;)
@TJ: I'm glad you didn't receive a pop-up as well. Probably would have scared the hell outta me too.
@Deray: I'm working on that copyright as we speak!
@timethief: Was that a hint? =)
Well, offnedeblogger (Chelle) is among the most intelligent women I ever met at BC and so are you. She's a humor blogger and so are you. Chelle is also a very savvy blogger so you may want to check out her site. BTW she uses the same Vargus avatar that pinkmonekychatter uses with one exception. Chelle's avatar has the human head, and heck doesn't everyone have at least two BC accounts? ;)
Agreed! Its crazy to see the amount of fans doing all kinds of crazy shit because of Miley Cyrus. When she missed out on some stupid award last year my classmate actually took the time to write an effing letter and post it to 'the authorities'. They even have a damn scrapbook in which they freaking just pile picture after picture of her. Also the Jonas Brothers thing makes me mad! A concert today means we're all screwed tomorrow in class because every single girl will be talking about how: cool+hot+awesome+talented+cute+sensitive they are. For the Student Council meeting a girl in the other division proposed body length lockers so that her life-size poster of Kevin Jonas could fit in it.
P.S. I'm in college.
Yeah, isn't it nice to know that the media have their priorities straight? People are being blown up and shot at around the globe. The global economy is still in the toilet. The U.S. is going bankrupt. And what do the brilliant folks at the font of deep insight, television, think is worthy of interrupting a program? Miley Cyrus' tour bus adventures. What a world. What a world.
@Kenny: Reading that made me throw up in my mouth a little.
@Joel: Agreed. I'd rather be interrupted by Obama farting.
I am so fucking glad to see someone else SPIT on Miley FUCKING Cyrus - I can't stand the lil heffa!
Her and fucking Hannah Montana - oh wait that is her fucking alter sorry ass...*gagz*
I can't fucking stand these fucking teenie boppers who make their fans who are fucking lil kids who haven't even hit puberty as of yet go buck wild...
Did you hear this one story when Miley stops twittering and some kid in I think is asia as she done some fuckin crazy shit to her pet cat - but anyways Miley announces she is leaving Twitterland - one lil stupid ass fan goes buckwild and fuckin sacrifices her fucking pet cat as a way to bring Miley back to Twitterland - now see...I luv animals but am not some big ass fanatic who make out with their cats like some folks but see...when I hear and see shit like that - I fucking wonder - where the fuck is humaine society to arrest that lil dumb ass bitch but than gain I hear cats are apart of the Asian who knows that shit may fly over there...
Yah, I totally hear you gurl! MILEY IS THE FUCKIN DEVIL WITH TITZ AND A PUSSY (excuse my language).
@Bella: I couldn't have said it better myself!
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