What an ass! He can't even admit what he did? Well, let me tell you:
*This motherfucker got him a piece of ass and got caught. His wife then beat his ass, smashed his vehicles windows, and told him to get the fuck out. Now, he's worried about his image and endorsements and doesn't want to come out and say, "Yes, I couldn't keep my wood in my pants" so he's giving half-assed apologies and no explanation. (Yes, he has the right to keep his personal matters private, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it).
So five golden cocks for Mr. Woody...I mean Woods. Not only for cheating on your wife, but for being the biggest pussy on planet Earth for not admitting your faults. No one is perfect, but you Woods, you are worse than the dogshit I stepped in this morning (and this whole situation reeks just as bad). So take these cocks, hang them on your wall, and remember: The whole world is watching.
*This is purely speculation on my part, so don't sue me. I have no money anyway.

My coworker and I were just wishing we could be promoted to Jay Leno's writing staff.
Woods has wood and uses woods on the golf course. And the millions go on and on.
@Beer Drinker: I almost saved him for my Tuesday 10's for the exact reason, but decided he deserved the golden cocks more.
Uh, oh. Sounds like someone one may have kissed Mr. Wood's balls for luck which made his putter stand up.
@Me-Me King: Hahaha! See? Waaayyyy too easy. =)
*wipes tears from eyes from laughing so hard*
Dontcha just love it when these fucking fools get caught with their pants down on and there is hard evidence proofing they been unfaithful to their women and they try to talk their way out of it - the best was Clinton with Lewinski - as much as I love the man...that whole drama...dude done signed his publicity/media death wish when he denied it at first AND THAN went back to say it was true...now that was a TOTAL DUMB ASS thing to do...
Gotta love dudes who get caught with their pants down in the public eye...best kinda entertainment you can get on television these days...just as good as those reality shows only this time it is REAL..*ROFL*
He's probably scum, but I've got a question: Why do you care?
I put this in the same league as your previous "Miss Miley Satan Cyrus" rant. I don't give a shit about whether some celebrity--sports, film, music, whatever--is screwing around, driving recklessly, getting in accidents, partying, whatever. He may or may not be a scumbag, but he's only one of a great many. Why should I care about his vices any more than I care about any of the people who don't become celebrities. When I see this sort of story in my newspaper, I just turn the page.
@Bella: I have plenty Kleenex...I'm passing you some to wipe your eyes (as I've been doing all day).
@Joel: That's the point -- I don't care (he wasn't my man), but any chance of kicking a man while he's down -- I'm taking it. They don't call me a bitch for nothing.
Thanx hun...my ribs hurt from laughing so hard...
Hello Suzie! How are you doing lately? Hey I wonder...did the spots return?
I'm still surviving from the Miley Cyrus thing -_-''...and now Tiger Woods...really! What is the point you might think? Well I think it's for you to write brilliant rants on it ;D
@TJ: I've been seriously busy lately and no, the spots haven't returned.
And yes, anything that gets me ranting is a good thing. =)
tell us luv:
how do you REALLY feel?
@bARE: I didn't make myself clear? Hmm...I'll do better next time. =)
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