I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a man at least double my age (for those of you nosy enough, that would be a sixty year old gent). After sorting through two-thirds of the shit responses, I finally found him. We talked on the phone a few times and finally set up a date. I had no idea what to expect.
The old fart took me out to dinner. He talked constantly about the state of the world today and how shitty the economy was. There were references to taxes and healthcare and I think I dozed off shortly thereafter. At the end of the evening, he took me back home, kissed my cheek, and bid farewell.
Now, this is what I learned: These women are obviously not in it for the sex as this man had absolutely no intention of attempting to get in my pants. These women are not in it for the conversation and companionship as this man could ramble on and on to a point that made you want to slice your wrists.
My thoughts were confirmed -- these women are in it for the money. The old guy bought me the most expensive meal I've ever eaten out, I drank wine I couldn't even pronounce that also came with its own separate bill, and I rode in a car that would be fit for Obama himself.
If it wasn't for the fact that sex is a necessity with me, I would seriously entertain the thought of keeping Mr. Old Guy around, but alas, I'll leave him at the assisted living facility that I found him.
What is this 'It' that you refer to?
Also glad you are not dead.
@Claire: C'mon -- everybody knows what "it" is...
Damn! I can't win. First I assumed that I was too old for you. Now I find out that I'm three years too young for you to experiment with (I turn 57 this week).
@Joel: Assume nothing with me. Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Hahaha Claire! The word 'It' shallo follow us forever...
Yes! I'm glad too see you back again! Hope things are going well, even though you were very busy! Just remember to take enough breaks to rant...to find 'it'...you know the normal stuff in life!
@TJ: I'm trying to stay sane. So far, I'm not having much luck. =P
jajajajaja only you would do something like that MissSuzie! You should definitely to a shameless blog promotion on BC with this topic, I'm sure it will bring lots of comments ;-).
Thank you for corroborating what I already thought, money, it's all about the money. Real love my @$$ ajajajajajaja.
Almost sounds like a take-off on a cougar thing I read today.
Good to read Your work.
Hope you are well.
If I weren't married and 10 years older and lived nearby and weren't a manly man and had more money and didn't want to be attacked by kitchen utensils, I would attempt . . . I said, "attempt" to lure you to the male version of a cougar. Would that be a chimpanzee?
Have fun Missy!
Don't you think that "one" man is a pretty short sample? Aren't there any interesting older men? Don't you think that there may be women that find the subjects of the conversation you described interesting? People are different.
Of course there are many women that are just interested in the money. But I would not say that they all are. Not even that most of them are.
PS: I am 38 (not that much older than you). So I am not taking sides.
Let's see I'm too old to date anyone double my age, that would put them at the 110 mark. So, I will try this experiment and date a guy half my age. I hope I live through it.
@Deray: I thought about starting a thread, but was scared it would resurrect AchE.
@Dennis: A chimpanzee or a jackass...not sure which one.
@Alexandre: Being as this was an unofficial (never to be published by any major print source) experiment, I think it works just fine.
@Dorothy: =/
@Me-Me King: Just carry a fork along and you'll be okay.
"""My thoughts were confirmed -- these women are in it for the money. The old guy bought me the most expensive meal I've ever eaten out, I drank wine I couldn't even pronounce that also came with its own separate bill, and I rode in a car that would be fit for Obama himself.""" yup dear you are right in your this comment, it is a fact but it should nt be pursued. money is not everything to waste ones life.... :)
@Huzaifa: "money is not everything to waste ones life"
Neither is "love."
hey you obviously picked the wrong old man;
what's the point of being an old man, if you can't be a dirty old man?
is our motto.
corollary: give your love to someone else,
give us what's leftover.
so, if you're ever in the big apple,
drop us a line.
oooooops! sorry, ran out of viagra,
jez kiddin'
@bARE: Well damn -- just break my heart why don't ya.
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