
Girls Rule, Boys Drool

WWSD? Suzie would talk to the children in a nice, polite way and ask them to behave.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that all the neighborhood kids want to play over at our house. What I don't like is that they are all boys and often end up picking on my daughter (who is not only the only girl, but the youngest as well). She often gets the short end of the stick and after hearing them torment her yesterday, I decided enough was enough.

They were playing kickball and nobody wanted the girl on their team. After hearing countless You take her. No you take her! I threw on my tennis shoes, marched my ass outside, and said Look, boys against girls. All the boys looked dumbfounded, but agreed. So my daughter and I took our places, ready to kick the shit out of the ball -- and that we did.

For thirty minutes, we beat the snot out of the guys. They couldn't keep up, could not get us out to save their lives, and were getting pretty pissed off. I couldn't help but laugh at their pitiful excuses for why they were losing to a couple of girls and listening to them constantly placing blame on each other. Finally, one of the boy's mom called for him to go home. As he was getting ready to leave, my daughter said Girls rule, boys drool! The little boy hung his head and did the walk of shame home.

I'm hoping those boys learned their lesson and if not, I think I'll suggest a friendly game of dodgeball next time -- complete with a lead filled ball.


stargirl (*)(X) said...

hi. this was amazing.
:D my favorite for today.

missmultifaceted said...

Being the only girl in my family (although I am the oldest), I was always the one in that situation so I understand.

It is frustrating being the girl that no one wants on their team.
If they haven't learned their lesson you should get all her her girl friends to come over and play a girls Vs boys game and keep doing it until eventually the boys get the ideas that yeah they are girls but girls can seriously help their team. I mean a guy can only lose to a girl so many times before they figure it out that the girl would be a good asset to the team - trust me I'm "one of the guys" now, and my guy friends fight over who gets the girl on their team not who doesn't want me on their team.

Dennis A Carroll said...

While I drool, I would like to say that women just shouldn't play "kick-ball." Just sounds cruel and mean. :)

But, I hope you have a great day, none the less.

Derek Bowles said...

Haha, that's awesome. I remember when my little brother and sister would play games. It would always be me and her versus him and his friends. Now she's better at sports than he is.

Robin said...

Pff, pansies. Who loses to a girl, let alone two. I bet you two cheated! XD

Miss Suzie said...

@stargirl: Thanks!

@missmultifaceted: I'm the only girl and the oldest as well. Luckily, I was good at sports so I was never left out because I was a girl. It helped that the boys in the neighborhood knew I'd kick their ass if they tried.

@Dennis: Very funny! Thanks for the laugh. :)

@Derek: You sound like such a good brother.

@Robin: I have no need to cheat, I'm just that good. :)

Webmaster Blog said...

Bleh. You cheated Suzie, I just know it! Though I have had a girl kick my ass plenty of times in pool and Halo. :P

Daniel White

Miss Suzie said...

@Webmaster: No cheating required. I just happen to be one of those women who knows how to kick some ass!