WWSD? Suzie would wait patiently or hire a handyman.

Dick was serious this time. The real estate agent arrived today, looked over the house, and told us what we needed to do. Apparently, it isn't as cut and dry as I had originally thought. We will have to make a few repairs and fix some minor eyesores before we can even list the house. Unfortunately, this is going to take longer than I had thought and most of the repairs require power tools -- which is not my area of expertise.
Dick, being the cheap twat that he is, wants to save money and do the repairs himself. Problem is, he doesn't have keys to the house and I don't want to be anywhere near him. This means that I have to find somewhere for the kids and I to go whenever he wants to bring his sorry ass over here and fix shit. Great.
I think I'll start watching the Home and Garden Channel and the Do It Yourself Network 24/7 instead. Between all the info and my ability to
improvise catch on quickly, I should be able to give Bob Villa a run for his money in no time flat. Within a week, I should be swinging a hammer, operating the drill, and sawing wood like I've done it all my life. And if not, I will at least have learned how to use a table saw properly (this will come in handy when I cut Dick up into bite-size pieces for the fish).
Wish me luck. If I don't become discouraged by the fact that these people can renovate a whole house in thirty minutes (minus ten minutes for commercials), I'll definitely be discouraged by the fact that I have yet to work up enough courage to turn the jigsaw on.
Carpentery tip:
"Count fingers at end of day."
Dennis has the best tip ever.
I'm sure Tim Allen could use the work, you should call his agent.
@Dennis: That is one hell of a tip. Thanks!
@Derek: He's not quite my type.
Google my friend.. its all about your ability to use google lol but really I am serious my bothers (who are also my housemates) have labeled me a google-fu master, if its broke and I dont know how to fix it google comes to the rescue with do it yourself instructions, and sometimes even video tutorials - and the best part is... its free!
I cant tell you how many times I have fixed things myself with the aid of google, and wikihow.com. I even learned how to hang a hamock properly and how to remove permanent marker from a white lino floor.
@missmultifaceted: Ah, yes -- Google. It also comes in handy answering my son's 1000 and 1 questions about anything and everything. :)
I asked google how to clean the bathroom, it came back asking me "Did you mean how to pretend you haven't noticed it needs cleaning?"
You know, most guys want to 'do it themselves to save money' and proceed to make a major fuckup of the project.
In this case I would hire someone who knows the the hell they are doing, especially when you're selling a house. If he messes something up and the buyers find out after the transaction you could be in for a legal nightmare.
If you have it done by a company you can turn to them instead and claim they haven't done their job properly. It costs a bit more but it will save you the trouble you will no doubt get.
@Glen: Google can be quite convenient, can't it. :)
@Robin: Good point. I think I'll have to hire someone because I'm pretty sure I'll kill Dick if I have to see him again.
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