Dick came to pick up the kids last night. He had been texting me all day and hinting around as to some possible "things" we could do. He gets here and asks if we can talk. We proceed to the bedroom and shut the door. He says he misses me and wants to you know. I tell him to take the kids to his parent's house and meet me back at our house at eight.
He left, looking like he had just conquered the world.
Eight o'clock rolls around and he's right on time. He opens the door and is greeted with my fine ass (what? I can't think my own ass is fine?) fully dolled up and waiting patiently on the couch. It was all I could do to not burst into laughter while watching him watching me. He had no clue what was coming (a hint -- it wasn't him).
Things begin to get hot and heavy. For a brief second, I missed the good old days where this was actually pleasurable. Just as soon as it was all about to go down, I pushed him off, grabbed my robe, and asked him to leave. He of course, looked confused as hell and I simply said:
"I refuse to be just your sex toy. When you can get your head out your ass long enough to think about the kids and I, then I'll consider giving myself to you again. Until then, I'd rather have sex with Richard Simmons while listening to Sweating to the Oldies. Now if you don't mind, I have some rather meaningful shit to do."
I then locked myself in the bedroom until I heard him leave. God what an asshole! I'm hoping that wasn't his way of saying I'm sorry -- If so, it was pretty pathetic.
Ouch. I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Instead of leading him on, you should have just been nice (or whatever you want to be) and told him no. To just take the kids and that was that.
No need to go through the head games.
Next time, don't take it that far. Mean what you say and say what you mean.
@Steph: I've been nothing but nice (up until this point). I'm tired of the mind games he's been playing with me and figured I'd give him a taste of his own medicine. Hopefully he'll get the point and we can attempt to be civil about the whole situation from here on out.
Normally I would agree with Steph about saying what you mean, and meaning what you say... HOWEVER I have read yuor entire blog in the last 2 weeks since I stumbled on it, and I am agreeing in full with what you did.
It may have been a mean thing to do, but from the texts ranging from I love you and I want you back to I hate you and you can die he deserved what he got.
@Disposable Pixi: Normally, I am a "say what you mean, mean what you say" kind of gal, but this fucker just pushed me entirely too far. I'm sick of the games and figured I'd show him what it felt like. I think I managed to do just that.
And PS: You read the entire blog? I heart you. :)
I'm not sure how I feel on this one. I mean it's hilarious, but really fucked up at the same time.
@Derek: I was actually waiting for you to ream me out. I know it was wrong and mean, but I truly feel that was the only way to show him how bad mind games are (and hopefully he will stop playing them).
@PinkMonkey: "In a divorce, you must love yourself and your children more than you hate your ex."
Those are very wise words. Thank you.
Yes I read the entire blog, I started to read it and it made me laugh, and intriuged me and thought I would read from the start. :)
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