A: Yes. He actually read the first couple of posts. Since he's been gone, I doubt he's read any of it, but he does know it's here.
Q: I see you refer to your husband on BC and sometimes you say husband and sometimes you say your ex. Which is it?
A: I honestly don't know where we stand. He literally packed his bags and left one day. If you read my blog, you know as much as I do where I stand with him. I guess it depends on my mood as to what I refer to him as.
Q: You do a lot of mean things. How do you sleep at night?
A: Quite well, thank you.
Q: Are you as bitchy in real life?
A: I blog about my life. If you think I'm bitchy here, you would think I'm bitchy if you met me. I don't change who I am for the sake of the blog.
Q: When do you think you'll start dating again?
A: As soon as I find out where I stand with my ex, husband, Dick.
Q: How are your kids handling the situation?
A: They are holding up pretty well. I never bad-mouth their father to them and I know that helps. They are just as confused as I am as to what is going on, but we're keeping each other's spirits up.
Q: What happens to your blog if you and Dick do split?
A: I'll always be Suzie and will always have something to bitch about.
Q: You do a lot of mean things. How do you sleep at night?
A: Quite well, thank you.
LMAO!! That is hilarious.
lmao Im still laughing about the sleep question!
@Derek and Disposable Pixi: That was my favorite one too. I don't think I'm really that mean. Only to those who deserve it. :)
No you are definitely demon spawn.
@Derek: And you are the Devil himself.
I <3 your blog. If you ever decide to get rid of it, it better be for a bigger, better, more "bitchy" blog. lol.
You're right. Your charm and wit draws them in. :)
@Steph: Thanks! The only reason I would stop blogging here is to create the "Maneater" blog from my five year plan.
@Dennis: Aww....thanks! :)
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