People piss me off and I can’t help but do something about it. Take for instance this weekend at the movies: All was well until two brats began to talk. They continued their conversation despite the shhh’s from others. I finally had enough and began throwing popcorn at them. I started throwing piece by piece and when that didn’t seem to work, I hurled a handful and successfully hit the back of their heads. It worked and they shut the hell up.
Then at the gas station, I was attempting to pump gas when I noticed a man staring me up and down. I asked if I could help him to which he responded why yes, yes you can. I then proceeded to grab the windshield washer wand thingie and walked over to his truck like I was going to clean his windows. As I approached the back glass, I noticed his truck was filthy. Perfect! I then scribbled these words on the filthy glass: I’m the world’s biggest dick. Wanna ride? He called me a few choice names, but didn’t look at me again.
Last but not least, my neighbor’s dog. This little dog jumps the fence several times a week. I’m am so fucking tired of having to toss his ass back over the fence. I tried to let him out (hoping he’d get lost), but he found his way back home. Yesterday, he did it again. After seeing him shit in my yard and knowing his owners are aware of the problem and were home at the time, but obviously didn’t care, I had enough. I threw the dog in the car, drove for several miles, and booted him out on the side of the road. Hopefully some nice family (far from where I live) will find him and keep him. Good riddance.
So yes, I’ll be checking myself in to the nearest mental facility, but only after I finish watching this documentary on serial killers.
That poor doggie! I'm speechless! All I can say is welcome back. Hope things in your marriage keep going smoothly.
@NP: Thank you! The dog will be fine, my marriage -- not so much. I'm a big girl though, I'll be alright.
Really again...I love how your mind works! I'm kinda speechless with the genius plans you come up with ^_^!
I honestly don't know why people go to the movies, if they just start talking -_-'.
But please let me know if you gonna check yourself in...I personally don't see why you should though, you seem perfectly mentally okay to me! But let me know, I will bring along a freshly baked pie with some forks...
@TJ: You'd be willing to do that for me? You are too kind!
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