I made an appointment with a company to service my air condtioner last week. As the weather is getting warmer, it is becoming more apparent that the unit isn't working as it should. I am getting rather tired of walking around my house and feeling as if I'm in a sauna (and why is it when you're in a sauna, it feels rather pleasant?).
They were supposed to be here this morning and have not been seen or heard from yet. I finally decided to call the company and inquire as to their whereabouts. I was given a quick (and rather flippant) apology and was told that they had an emergency call and were clear across town. It will take them a little longer to get to me.
Now, this I can understand (shit happens), but to not even bother to call and inform me of the change? Like I had nothing better to do with my time than to sit around waiting on their asses to show? Don't these people realize that I have important things like grocery shopping and saving the world to do? I figured I'd get even (it's been a rough couple of days and I needed the pick-me-up).
I called another (hopefully more reliable) company and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. I then jotted a wonderful note that read:
Dear (company's name)
I had to run out for a brief moment as I seemed to have lost my mind somewhere this morning. I'm not sure how long it will take me to find it, but feel free to enjoy these cookies until I return.
Yours truly,
Miss Suzie
I then taped the note to the door and left a plate of cookies on the steps. I am now waiting patiently behind my blinds to see the reaction to having been stood up by a client. Assholes.
It's a cliche, but it is so hard to find good help these days. I have a morbid fear of not being on time - and here in Britain it's easier than in most nations to be late. This translates into deliveries being late, repairmen being late, people giving up because they can't find the place and not telling you so. If you can strike a blow against these miscreants, Signora, you are performing a service to humanity.
What if the cookies get ants on them? Seems like a waste.
I don't know why the company didn't call you, but I have a theory. They read your blog and wanted to be part of the story.
Right on girl.
I know how you feel when this happens and no one had the courtesy of simply picking up the phone to inform you of the change in plans. It really does ruin your day and you do feel like going OJ on their ass. lmao
@Green Curmudgeon: I've come to the conclusion that deliveries are never on time no matter where you live. This is the only exception I will allow.
@derek: Believe it or not, the cookies didn't have time to get ants on them. The little bastards showed up within an hour and actually ate them before leaving. And if they had read my blog, I doubt they would have agreed to the appointment in the first place. :)
@Jeunelle: Ah, yes. Going OJ on them crossed my mind quite a few times. Is it bad to ask for a little common courtesy these days? Sheesh!
Hah! I just noticed that you posted this in 'moans'. Is there something you're not telling us?
@derek: Um, that's really none of your business, now is it? :)
I was merely stating the facts. Nothing more.
@derek: I think you had ulterior motives, but I'll let it slide this time.
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