This morning, I awoke to the sound of rushing water. At first, I thought we were having another storm, but quickly realized the sound was coming from inside my home, not outside. I ran in the direction of the noise and quickly discovered Niagara Falls had been relocated to my downstairs bathroom. It seems the toilet (yes, there's been an awful lot of talk about toilets lately) had sprung a mind of its own and a huge leak to accompany it.
Having no idea what to do, I panicked. I grabbed every damn towel in the house and threw them on the floor to soak up some of the monstrous puddle. I then grabbed a few pots to place under the torrent stream that was steadily spewing. I attempted to fight the bloody battle for a good fifteen minutes before I realized I wasn't going to win. I finally called my father who informed me to get the flood to stop, all I had to do was simply twist the little thing located near the floor off. Seriously? That was it?
Needless to say, I am no longer enjoying the pains of living in this house alone. I was amused the first few days as to the amount of shit that can break around here, but now I'm just completely annoyed. This is entirely too much house for one person to manage. So I was quite happy when Dick informed me today that he will be putting it on the market next week. The only thing I am not looking forward to is packing -- it's a bitch!
Just a little advice from experience, please be careful about leaving the house. I would consult a lawyer before you let him sell it.
@PINKMONKEY: Thank you for your concern. Yes, I spent an hour today with a lawyer. I'm no fool. :)
Signora - the housing market is on its knees in the United States; it may be more prudent to agree to rent it out and share the proceeds of the rental, until such time as the market improves. A real estate agent should be able to advise what the best option should be - but I remain firm in my earlier belief that you could use a trip too. Do take care.
@GreenCurmudgeon: The market is still doing quite well in my area (especially this time of year). The schools here are one of the best in the area, so that helps. And yes, when this is all over, I'm taking a much deserved vacation!
I hope I'm not getting to personal for a blog comment, but I have a question. Are you and your husband divorced now or are you still together. From this post I get the impression you two are no longer living together but other parts of your blog suggest otherwise.
Just wondering :).
Anyway, good luck with packing. I recently moved as well (which you can read a bit about here: http://backstagemedia.net/98/camera-exam) and it's not a fun task if you have a lot of stuff to take care off.
Take care!
@Robin: My husband left a little over a week ago. We are still married (as of this moment), but I think he's finally decided to throw in the towel. Thank you for your well wishes and congrats on your recent move. I hope things are going well for you!
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