
And Suzie Replies

WWSD? Suzie would dismiss it as a wrong number (or email address).

I received my first piece of hatemail. I had a feeling this blog would stir up some shit, so I bought special boots for those occasions. I am now wearing them and am ready to wade my way on through:

Dear Miss Suzie

I for one, think you are a complete nutjob! Anyone who remains in such a relationship has to be missing a few marbles. I pity your children and truly believe you are a horrible mom. Anyone who plays tricks on their children needs to be put in the nuthouse. Your vulgar language speaks volumes about your character. Your actions show the real you. I can only pray that whatever you choose to do that your children are protected from your actions.

Just my two cents


Dear Just my two cents

I for one completely agree that I am a nutjob (all part of my charm). I remain in such a relationship because I took vows (I don't break my promises). A horrible mother does not get up at all hours of the night to fight off the boogie man, hold puking heads, and offer comfort after nightmares. Anyone who plays tricks on their children is human. My vulgar language does indeed speak volumes about my character and it says "I'm not to be fucked with." My actions show that I am real. I can only pray that by my actions, my children will grow up with the ability to handle even the harshest of situations.

Miss Suzie

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to clean these boots and put them back in their proper location -- up your ass.


Lolita V. said...

damned right. Anyone who questions a mother's ability to parent without having physically been present while she interacted with her children needs more than boots shoved up their asses. Be strong!

Miss Suzie said...

@Lolita: Had there been more room, I would have shoved more than just my boots up there.

GreenCurmudgeon said...

Signora, if I may:

Dear Two Cents:

Thank you for your letter. It is obvious that you feel the need to sit in judgement of a situation with which you are only marginally acquainted. We cannot know the full story from a series of blog posts, the flavour and colour of such a situation can only be partially conveyed.

The facts, however, show a devotion to family which overrides any of the trials Miss Suzie suffers: it is clear she is doing this with only limited help, but her children come first. Note how she leaps to their defence when they are subjected to any slight. Note how her posts contain a deep aspiration, however spiked they are with humour, that they become people of good habits and character.

Yes, she gets frustrated, yes, she uses language that some more sensitive souls may find offensive; however real life is not G-rated. Considering her frustrations, her language is apropos, in fact it's thanks to her good humour and self-restraint that we aren't subjected to a Tarantino-esque tirade.

You've signed off with the moniker, "Just my two cents". Even in an era in which two cents buys little or nothing, your opinion is worth less than that. As such, in future, keep it to yourself.

Yours sincerely,

Green Curmudgeon

Cooking Asshole said...

Congratulations on your first hate letter. Welcome to the club.

Miss Suzie said...

@Green Curmudgeon: Wow! You said that with more poise and class than I ever could. Thank you.

@ALN: Thanks? Do I win a prize as well?

Carolyn said...

Wow, Hate Mail!

You truly are an important person. But we knew that anyway, the anon. epistle just adds to the whole thing.

Well done. I don't think I'll ever have hate mail, cos I'm a moral coward, not a tough bitch like you. I'm trying to learn more about how to be be like you, by hanging on your every word, but I don't thnk I can do it. It's something I aspire to though.

Miss Suzie said...

@Carolyn: I'm an important person to my kids. Yes, I am a tough bitch at times and if you are interested in bringing out your "inner bitch" I suggest a night with my husband. I can make arrangements, I'm sure.

Derek Bowles said...

I think Holy the Preacher I mean Housewife, found your site!

Barry said...

DOn't most parents play tricks on their kids? I mean what the heck is the whole Santa Claus, tooth fairy and the like if it ain't playin tricks.

Barry said...

Oh yeah - is that reall "hate mail" ? I have received a lot worse :P

stillthinking said...

@ Derek via Miss Suzie

I think that hate letter didn't have enough incoherency, spelling mistakes or "Hell to the Yeahs" to be her.

Miss Suzie said...

@derek bowles: There were no screaming CAPS, so I don't think it was her (but I've been known to have been wrong before).

@Barry: Parents play tricks on their kids all the time. I believe it's called parenting.

@StillThinking: Exactly.


Wow!! I can't believe someone wrote that to you...Oh well..That lady can kiss my grits!!!

Miss Suzie said...

@PINKMONKEY: I had a feeling this might happen when I began this blog. I find it rather amusing how someone is willing to judge based on such little information.

Robin said...

You go Suzie! Everyone is a little crazy and it makes most of us more fun to be with. I for one commend you for staying in a relationship that isn't completely working anymore. I guess that can be a strain at some times.

From what I gather you do a fine job of raising your children and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


P.S: I love the term Suzie Q ever since I heard it in Prison Break. Hehe.

Miss Suzie said...

@Robin: Thank you. A little crazy just makes life all the more interesting. :)