trilava: Lava that has been heated and cooled three times.
mudpud: A dirty moped that makes the sound "pud, pud, pud, pud, pud" when started.
nichewit: Someone who is only witty on one subject.
poopil: A poodle with big pupils.
hammuck: A dirty hammock.
doorcob: A doorknob made from a corncob.
pless: A plentiful mess.
lintitude: The exact location of lint.
Those were just a few we had come up with. We will be having a rematch soon, so I invite you to submit your own words and maybe I can use them to whip the socks right off their feet next time. Yes, I am a poor loser and overly competitive, so help a lady out.
Dunch or linner - a main meal consumed between 2 and 4 PM.
sonfuse - temporarily confusing son and daughter.
conqueer - to conquer a gay friend's put-down by pretending you are one too.
Fryday - weekly celebration with all grease on the table.
shelium - a less gassy version of helium.
whew...all I could come up with. I certainly wouldn't challenge you to a game!
@Green Curmudgeon: I like those. My kids and I are big fans of "brunch" when we sleep in on the weekends.
@Ralph: Nice! I think you may have played this before and I may have found some competition. :)
I've played a similar game, involving alcohol. I unfortunately can not remember any of the words.
However here are some alternate spellings for words, I don't know if they would be accepted though.
chihweeny- wiener dog and Chihuahua
@derek: Chihweeny would pass for sure. The other two, I'll let slide due to your alcohol induced impairment. :)
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