Despite the fact that I have filled out numerous job applications, turned in my resume to a number of places, and have just recently posted an ad offering childcare, I have yet to get myself a damn job. This opened the door for Dick to constantly remind me of how this isn’t helping our situation.
Oh, really? Like I had no fucking idea (even though he has repeated it a hundred times).
Needless to say I had to think of something to shut this man up before I had to put my foot so far up his ass that he wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. I searched around the house and thought of the perfect idea. I grabbed a zucchini, some yarn, and a googled image of a dead horse. I then turned the zucchini into something reminiscent of a demented My Little Pony. I set the dead horse on the counter and waited.
It wasn’t long before Dick started in again. I took a big ladle and whacked the horse on the counter. He asked what the hell I was doing to which I replied: You seem to be having so much fun beating a dead horse that I thought I’d give it a whack (and I hit the thing again).
He seems to have gotten the point and isn’t hounding me as bad. Hopefully someone will call me back soon.
First forks, now ladles.
Were will it end?
Have a great Sunday, with or without a dead horse.
@Dennis: I can't help it -- I have a thing for kitchen utensils. :)
Visual imagery usually gets the point across!
@CA: That and literally beating something seems to get my husband's attention.
Good for you I am always of the opinion that men need visuals.
Much luck with the continued search.
@Chaotically Calm: Thanks! Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed for me.
one more new follower to your blog added!
Ha! That showed him! Have to say that was very creative ^_^.
I wish you all the luck with finding a job! Stay positive!
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