Have you ever been in a situation where you'd rather gouge your eyeballs out with a meat thermometer? Has a situation ever made you feel like plucking your eyelashes out one by one while singing "My Country Tis Of Thee?" That would be me last night. I don't know what it is about poker night with the girls that eventually has me wanting to run upstairs and hang myself with my bedsheets, but it does.
It probably has something to do with the "guy talk" that always seems to come up. It's usually a bunch of bitching and complaining about how all men suck and when I ask my friend what she's doing to better the situation, she comes up blank. For the love of Peter, Paul, and Francine! It isn't rocket science.
Ladies, if your relationship just isn't working, you have two choices: you either address the situation with him (not me, I can do nothing) or you let him go. Yes, it's that simple. If you think he's worth your time, talk to him about what's going on and give him a chance to make adjustments. If you realize from the get-go that he's not worth another precious minute, send him packing with a beautiful parting gift of a kick in the ass.
I was also guilty of complaining about my ex, but I woke up and realized no matter what I said, this motherfucker wasn't changing. I donned my biggest boots, threw on my big girl undies, and said enough was enough. Of course I still bitch and complain (that's just me), but I don't waste my time on a man who doesn't matter. Not when there's much more important things to do -- like finding out who started this "have a happy period" bullshit and forking them relentlessly!