A couple of nights ago, Dick came over to pick up some parts for his truck. While he was here, I kept to myself. Apparently, he was looking for my affection as my distance seemed to piss him off. Before he left, he mumbled a few words about having finally met someone else and that it was going good so far. I told him I was happy for him and waved him through the door.
I have been ignoring his texts since then and last night, I guess he'd had enough. He made up another excuse to come over. I let him in the house without saying a word and returned to my movie. After getting his things, he walked in the living room and asked if we could talk. I simply shrugged my shoulders. He went on to apologize and said he hadn't found someone else -- that he was just mad.
I could bite my tongue no longer and these are the words that flew out my mouth: "How in the hell are you mad? You left. You are the one playing the damn mind games. While you're out doing god knows what, the trust in this relationship has left the damn building. I will never believe a thing you say and do not want to spend the rest of my life wondering what happened while you've been gone. Too little, too late. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to finish my movie."
He fucked up and he knows it. The sad thing is, I'm not sure this will ever work again. I cannot see myself with someone I cannot trust and at this point, I'd trust Scott Peterson before I trusted this fucker again.
Miss Suzie,
Looks like you are finding your way.
My wife and I went through things worse than this, but trust isn't easily rebuilt.
"butt dimples through spandex" is classic. lol
I hope you continue with your way.
Have a great Sunday.
Hey, I say you forgive him, try to give him another chance, the kids need their father :(, of course I'm not trying to get into your personal life or anything, I'm sorry I just feel bad whenever a relationship doesn't work specially if there are kids
Good for you! you need to do what is right for you, your children can still have a relationship with their father even if you 2 are not together, with out trust there is no relationship in my opinion and to take him back simply for your kids is not a reason to take him back.
"butt dimples through spandex" - love it!
I have to admit, I've been in Dick's shoes. I made the mistake once of breaking up a relationship because I didn't think things were working anymore. Good case of too much, to soon. However after about a month, lots of tears and bashing into walls later I came to realize what I had let go and wanted it back. So I moved heaven and earth to get her back and now she is :).
I think the difference here is that I never had anyone else in the mean time and luckily she believed me.
From what I've read about Dick so far the relationship is unsalvageable, even if you both wanted to try again. Like you said, to many trust issues you'd have to live with the rest of your life.
I think it's brave of you to just rub it in his face. Not many people have the guts to do so. I hope you find someone else in due time :).
@Dennis: Thank you for your well wishes!
@amrhima: I have no problem forgiving him and will never keep him from the kids, but I'm not sure I could ever trust him again and don't think the relationship will ever work because of it.
@Disposable Pixi: I agree that taking him back just for the sake of the kids would be a mistake. I don't think they would want to see their mother unhappy for the rest of her life.
@Robin: I am glad things worked out in your situation and wish you nothing but the best in the future!
I like it ... jus remain mean ... men will be men :P
@Sugandha: Me, be mean? Never. :)
hahah :P ... ummm hmmm ... suzie is never meah *wink wink*
hahah...:P suzie is nver mean ... lols:P *wink wink*
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