After his little tirade last night where he actually went into the bathroom and apparently ran the shower for fifteen minutes while building his lego ship (never bothering to actually get in the shower), I figured enough was enough. It was time to get creative.
I found an old spray bottle and mixed green food coloring with water (I was fresh out of kool-aid). I then snuck up to his room and sprayed him while he slept (good thing he sleeps like a rock). Of course, I was awaken to shrill screams this morning as my son comes running into my room screaming he was sick. Holding back the giggles, I told him I was afraid this would happen. I then go on to tell him that his lack of showers has allowed mold to begin to form on his body.
Needless to say, he has had two showers today and almost all the mold has washed off. Ah, the joys of being a parent...
Ahhhh..haha...That is classic. Nice job.
that's beyond creative - really? - you sprayed him and he didn't wake up and two it didn't make him pee the bed?
amazing - great story
you know, you might have a product idea here.
Lol brilliant!!
I have tagged you in my latest post, 10 random facts :)
Haha, that is priceless.
I remember doing this. I was actually phobic of putting my face in water, but it does seem to be a stage most boys go through.
The most creative solution I've ever heard of.
Evil moms may be the best. I'm sure you compensate for all your wickedness with reams of laughter. Or are the kids too young yet to appreciate your diabolical wit?
Wow! I just got whipped with hangers when I refused to obey my mother. Bravo!
@TC: Thanks!
@lisleman: I thought about marketing it, but unfortunately Billy Mays has passed away. He could have really sold it. :(
@LifeIs: Thanks. I'll check the tag out as soon as I get a chance.
@JonnyHo: My mom says my brothers were the same way. Just face it, boys are dirty. :)
@NothingProfound: Oh yes, we have our fair share of laughter around here as well. I make it a point to keep things balanced.
@C. Andres: Sorry to hear that. I save my hangers for Dick.
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