

Welcome to Bringing Bitchy Back.

Disclaimer: This blog is full of foul language and pure bitchiness. If you aren’t a fan of either, I suggest you leave now. If you arrived here via google, I’ll be writing about you soon (so bookmark this page and check back often). If you have an opinion, keep it to yourself (I have enough for all of us). If you disagree with me, I pity you because you are wrong. If you become a fan, let me know – I need a record of my stalkers.

About the author: I am a married mother of two. I am opinionated and cocky. I have the ability to tell people to go to hell and have them happy to be on their way. I don’t care if you like me, I’ll simply tell myself that you do. I could probably benefit from therapy, but therapy is for pussies. I am not to be taken seriously. I just like to bitch and write so I hope you enjoy reading what I rant as much as I enjoy ranting it.


me said...

I have a comment, but will keep it to myself. lol

Good luck on the new blog and everything else!


Nita said...

Didn't arrive here via google but via TT's. I guess that means I am safe and won't be written about! :)