I am beginning to despise movies, especially romantic comedies. They never depict truthful relationships. They spoon feed me this vision of romance that leaves me wanting to hurl yesterday's dinner. Sure, most of them have some sort of tragedy happening at some point or another, but they always end the same way -- the boys gets the girl. Barf!
What I wouldn't give to go to the cinema and see a real romance story. One in which the woman has children and actually ages. A movie in which the love scene is interrupted by children, dogs, a cat, or hell, even a pot bellied pig. I want to see a movie that doesn't put band-aids on the truth about relationships. I want to see the band-aid ripped off and the wound laying open for all to see. Romance isn't perfect, so why the hell are the movies?
I blame these movies for the unhappiness of women today. They've been fed this bullshit for so long that they actually think this is what love is like. They don't understand when times get tough because it didn't happen that way in the movies. They expect their men to behave like well trained monkeys and actually get pissy when they act human. Give me a break!
Real relationships don't come with directors yelling Cut! They don't take breaks to powder their noses. They don't read from scripts and do not have lines to memorize. Reality doesn't need its own trailer and personal assistant. It just doesn't work that way.
With all this said, I am banning myself from all the girly channels until further notice. If you need me, I'll be the chick drooling over the ESPN guys.
Signorina - I think there is a general principle that applies to love as it does to life: anything worthwhile requires work. It's very rare that something good and wholesome is effortless. The suggestion that two people who are less than identical are going to achieve an instant accord is laughable. There is always give and take. There is always effort. But perhaps that is the true grandeur of love: that in spite of the obstacles and the effort, it is achieved nonetheless. I don't think film is ready for that message however.
Have you seen Revolutionary Road? As for this perfect scenario that movies depict with a predictable ending is entertainment, I hope you don’t take that as a bench mark of how life should be.
Lifetime... You should watch Still Standing (sitcom). It won't make you depressed and I think it's on lifetime.
And thank you for watching ESPN, it will make you a better person.
@GreenCurmudgeon: I couldn't agree with you more. Perhaps we should get together and write a "real" script?
@M: When it comes to life, there is no benchmark as to how it should be.
@derek: I'll have to check that out. And yeah, I'm already bored with ESPN. I'ved moved on to the golf channel now.
I'm not sure why you expect romance movies to depict real life. Do you expect war movies to depict war as it really is, or cowboy movies, or action flicks?
They are all fakes, not real life. Anyone who expects anything different is totally clueless. Real life and the movies are two very different things. you can't do a romance movie is true to life, because they are completely different things.
Personally, I don't go to the movies to see real life, I go to see a fantasy version of what real life could be if we were living in a perfect world, which we most obviously are not doing.
@Carolyn: "Anyone who expects anything different is totally clueless."
I guess this explains why a lot of women are finding it hard to cope in relationships that don't live up to their movie standards.
Suzie darling, my point exactly!
Women are so smart, why do they act so dumb sometimes?
I think your "husband" is a jerk like my wife and I think your a great writer.
@Anonymous: I agree and thank you! Perhaps we should set your wife up with my husband and see how it goes?
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