I used to think they were some kind of workers of the devil, but have come to realize that they are filled with envy and resentment. You see, these women are all pushing or have crossed forty. I am only thirty and still have my youthful charm. When I walk pass, all their husbands ooh and ahh, but how the hell is that my fault? I can't help that I was born beautiful and I can't help their husband's lust issues.
I've finally realized the best way to handle these women is by actually handling their men (not like that you perve). Just something as simple as telling him "It was nice seeing you last week." The man is too busy eyeing my boobage to realize he never saw me last week, but the woman – she is now wondering why her husband didn't tell her that he saw me last week and what he's trying to hide.
A simple, yet effective way to bitch-slap these women back to last week.
Lol I sympathize, but your title got me confuzzled for a min as my other nic is Witch Woman lmao!
@Crystal Raven: Oh don't get me wrong...I love a real witch. These women are the demeaning term of the word (should have replaced the "w" with a "b", huh?).
Oooh, you don't play nice, they don't play nice - what mixed messages are you all sending those dear innocent children?
That life is not always nice, and you deal with it as best you can? A very useful lesson to learn.
Good onya! Keep sticking it to them.
@Carolyn: I've never been one to just roll over and take it. If they dish it out, they should expect it back in return. :)
Brava, signora, brava. I suggest also that whenever you confront these raving harpies that you're dressed to the nines. May as well increase their paranoia to the point they're stuck at home keeping their husbands locked in a cage.
Smart girl...
@GreenCurmudgeon: I never, ever go to my kid's school in anything less than my best. You never know which witch I'll run in to.
@Lotus: Why thank you!
I'm really enjoying your blog. Go for it!
thank you for the information. i will be here soon.
@timethief: It's always nice to know that someone enjoys what I jot down here. Thanks!
@Happy brother sister: If you'll be there soon, I pity you. Those women can be worse than a case of chicken pox.
I sometimes think I am living on some superior plane, above the idiocies of life. Then I realise I am a coward pretending to be better than I am.
But I am better than lots of other people. You know who you are!! (Not talking to you here Suzie, it's those others that are the idiots)We're OK.
@Carolyn: You know, I have pretended to be on a superior plane and better than I am for so long that I now believe it. It won't be long before I take over the world -- I'm sure of it!
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