The first being that of a Bran Flake. You start out slow and boring. Not knowing much about anything, you often fall for everything. Often referred to as a Froot Loop, you usually rely on Lucky Charms and horoscopes. You soon realize that you have to grow up and take control.
Once you've gained a little wisdom, you become a Corn Flake. You begin telling jokes and trying to be everyone's friend. You find yourself playing pranks and Trix in hopes of having people laugh with you, not at you. Once you realize that the Mini Swirlz of comedy will only take you so far, you begin to change again.
You suddenly morph into a Frosted Flake. You've had it with being the little guy on the totem pole and begin to ice over. You get your Kix from putting other's in their place. You've become the queen bee in your Honey Comb and expect others to take notice. It's only when you realize they aren't that you see the need to change yet again.
You finally reach the point where you see that you can go much further by being kind and sweet. It's then that you become a Chocolate Flake. With your daily smiles and Cheerios, you notice that others flock to you as if you were the world's Fruit n Fiber. At last, you find happiness and this Post is Complete.
*clapping hands*
Oooooh very nice word play. That must have been a really good bowl of cereal. The most i get out of a bowl of cereal is the crunch or the little story at the back.
Yah, but what if you eat oatmeal? Are you mushed for life?
Wisdom of life often hides in the most normal things. That was an awesome bowl of wisdom and that so early in the morning!
This was a really cool post. Brilliantly written ^_^!
good one.
what about guys..!!
@Deji: Thanks. I actually wrote this for a creative writing course and being as I had nothing else, I figured I'd post it here.
@Boomer: I'll have to have myself a bowl and see what I can come up with.
@TJ: Thanks. My mind works in strange ways at times.
@Sorcerer: This works for guys as well (minus the queen part).
I would have to agree and say that I love your play on words as well, great job. It was kind of like the metamorphasis of cereal, in which I've just learned that I am currently in the Frosted Flake stage ... I think :)
Excellent play on words and so very true...
@Laura: Thanks. I too am a Frosted Flake and have my doubts that I'll ever change.
@PePeJr: Thank you kind sir.
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@Boomer: I appreciate the award greatly. Thanks!
Bravo! That was so creative, I loved it!
@Deray: *taking a bow* Thank you so much. =)
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