1. If the asshole insists on carrying on a conversation with you, join in. Use words such as puny, small, itsy-bitsy, tiny, little, and so on as much as you possible can. Each time you say one of the words, look directly at his crotch in a way he'll be sure to notice. He should get the hint and move on.
2. If the man has bought you a drink and has turned out to be an ass and refuses to leave, start the psycho bitch routine. Talk about how you stalked your ex and attempted to poison him with antifreeze. Throw in a few tears for good measure. If he still isn't leaving, remind him that you are still hurt and the next man to hurt you will suffer your pain tenfold. He won't take a chance with your crazy ass and will depart immediately.
3. Before you go out, be prepared for the guy who continues to hound you for your number. Grab your local phone book and find the number for the (also local) jail or penitentiary. Jot it down and slip it in your purse. If you run into the persistent number guy, give it to him and then laugh thinking of his reaction when he calls it.
4. You're at the club and some guy won't leave you alone. He continues to ask you to dance, so go for it. When you two are out on the floor, start dancing in a way that you have to bring your knees up. Wait for the perfect timing and then knee him in his crotch for all you're worth. Excuse your clumsiness and go back to your drink -- he won't bother you again.
5. If all this fails, you are dealing with a serious dick. At this point, you may have to pull out all the stops. Simply look him dead in his face and with the most serious look you can give, inform him that you have herpes. Tell him you were raped by your stepfather at the age of eleven and have had them ever since. If this doesn't get him to back the fuck up -- stab him with your fork because he deserved it.
I have tried all the above and they work wonders. Feel free to print this page and carry it with you the next time you go out. This has been my public service for the day...