I’ve had it with the orange stains everywhere. I’m tired of sitting down only to have something catch my eye and discover the orange powder has been transferred yet again. This time, it was the curtains that I had just washed the day before. I was pissed! I figured I had to do something or my whole damn house would become cheeto orange.
First, I made a mixture of cheetos and water until I achieved the right consistency (sticky as hell). I then rummaged around my kid’s rooms until I found their beloved gameboys. Finally, I proceeded to coat the gameboys in the sticky cheeto mixture and placed them where they were sure to be spotted – in the middle of their bedroom floors.
It didn’t take long before my kids stumbled upon my mischief. When asked who did that, I simply replied that it must have been the cheeto monster who rubbed cheetos all over the curtains. Needless to say, we won’t be purchasing cheetos anytime soon and I will be teaching my kids to do the laundry (I’ll be damned if I’m washing those curtains again).